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tisdag 25 oktober 2011

What the country can learn from developed countries tourism industry?

A country like Ethiopia which is developing country should benefit from new tourism opportunities.One of the opportunities is to promote tourism through information and communication technologies.Unlimited and low cost access to world markets  such as information  and trade networks are essential.

What should be done to attract more Turists and foreign investement?

Organize the local tourism industry ,public and private by creating an internet -based network for the tourism sector to find info,book online and setup partnerships.
Giving education and training about tourism industry and standardize it and post in internet.
The different sectors of the country's tourism industry such as hotels ,Restaurants,travel agents ,airlines should cooperate and improve their tourism products and adopt information technologies.

torsdag 13 oktober 2011

Tourism S.W.O.T Analysis of Ethiopia
Positive images of Ethiopia can be effectively used in the world competitive environment.The decision to hold Ethiopian Millenium Celebration,Celebration of National Flag Day,recognition of Ethiopian athelets,the re-erection of Axum obelisk are some of postitive steps taken to build positive images of Ethiopia.
Ancient history and culture.
vast amount of hydro,solar and thermal energy source.
Sucesses in Ethiopian Millenium to boost the positive images of Ethiopia.
Positive culture of christians and muslims living together peacefully.
Many cultural and religion sites,monuments and castles.
Unstable and unpredictable politics.
Social insecurity of population
The economy and development of the country depend on donor countries.
Nile and Omo rivers for irrigation and hydro powers.
Vast agrarian resources
Educated and capable resource of employee for new investors.
Energy dependence on Sudan and other Arab countries
Threats of war with some countries like Eriteria and somalia.

 Main attraction Places in the Country

Addis Ababa
The capial city of Ethiopia.Culture shock for just everyone.If you are not of African descent ,be prepared to be the subject of a lot of curiosity.Lots of pointing and wanting to walk near you or talk with you(not if you avoid like a tourist).The Markato is the largest Open Market in Africa.

Bahir Dar
Great lakeside community.Just a couple paved roads and more rural life.More friendly people and among the things you can visit are Monasteries of Lake Tana ,the Blue Nile falls and the Market of Bahir dar.

 The town is very small ,and it is there you can find the famous rock -hewn churches of Lalibela.Try spending a day or so exploring the main churches in town and then hiring a donkey for a day trip up the mountain to see the additional churches and the views up there.


The most interesting historic places and as well as being the HQ of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.You can discover the graves of the Axumite Kings /Emperors.For those who read more on Axum and archaeological discoveries it would be more captivating.


Omo Valley
Book a guide and visit one or more of the multitudinous tribes.You need a guide because he knows the languages and your visit will be greatly enhanced.
The heart of teh Rastafari migrated here and ex-patriot Jamaicans blend with locals to create a city that is a bit different from the rest of Ethiopia.Go to pharmacy and learn about the traditional medicine.

Castle compound contains several castles built by/ for Eth Emperors 3/400 yrs ago.It is also the gateway to the Simien  Mountains.View the endemic Gelada baboons who will sit right beside the path,oblivious to humans.Lots of other endemic flora and fauna to see,hiking through the remote mountains ,full of traditional farmers and small settlements welcoming visitors.A guide and a man with a gun have to be hired to enter the area.
Blue Nile Gorge:has breath taking views ,waterfalls,and swimming holes.The road to get there is interesting as well.The source is Lake Tana or the streams that flow into it.The road from Addis to Bahir Dar crosses the gorge after 200kms.

Hawassa,capital of southern Ethiopia.Laid back lakeside  ,university town and numerous hotels.Boats to see hippos.

Lake Langano- best of the Rift Valley lakes for swimming.No towns on lake,just isolated hotels like sabana beach resort.

Arba Minch- On the way to omo area.vast numbers of crocs and hippos in Lake Chamo nearby.

Wenchi Lake, has to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet.Do 5 hour pony trekking trip,very cheap.Make it a two day trip from Addis by staying a night at Ambo or Wolisso.

Bale Mountains; south west Ethiopia.Trekking ,see the Ethiopian wolf and Alpine plateau areas.Beware of lodge at Dinsho so called park HQ.Great place ,lousy service.

torsdag 6 oktober 2011


Leaving A Monumental Mark Axum Obelisks
Ethiopia is the oldest and the  only uncolonized country in Africa.
Ethiopia has yielded some of humanity's oldest traces, A skeleton of an older human ancestor Australopithecus Aphaeresis was discovered in 1974 in the Afar region up to today Ardi.
Ethiopia , an old country beyond all imaginations, has culture and traditions dating back over 3 millenniums years.
The Axumite kingdom was one of the great civilizations of the ancient world and has undeniably left behind the mystery of the great oblique found at Axum . Over 300 slabs, stelae and monolithic obleisks can be found in Axum ....the most admirable and perfect mnimnet of its kinds. These impressive monoliths have been inspiribg awesome in visitors for so many yeras.... 
In the late Middle Ages great religious civilizations flourished in many parts of the country, particularly at Lalibela where churches hewn out of massive monolithic rock.