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torsdag 6 oktober 2011


Leaving A Monumental Mark Axum Obelisks
Ethiopia is the oldest and the  only uncolonized country in Africa.
Ethiopia has yielded some of humanity's oldest traces, A skeleton of an older human ancestor Australopithecus Aphaeresis was discovered in 1974 in the Afar region up to today Ardi.
Ethiopia , an old country beyond all imaginations, has culture and traditions dating back over 3 millenniums years.
The Axumite kingdom was one of the great civilizations of the ancient world and has undeniably left behind the mystery of the great oblique found at Axum . Over 300 slabs, stelae and monolithic obleisks can be found in Axum ....the most admirable and perfect mnimnet of its kinds. These impressive monoliths have been inspiribg awesome in visitors for so many yeras.... 
In the late Middle Ages great religious civilizations flourished in many parts of the country, particularly at Lalibela where churches hewn out of massive monolithic rock.

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